⚡︎🔋 Prompt Engineering Is Dead

And more: Musk ends OpenAI lawsuit while slamming Apple's ChatGPT plans

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Good morning, aspiring leaders of the next-gen! ☀️

🚀 Here’s what’s going on today in the AI space…

Elon Musk has terminated his lawsuit against OpenAI, the company he helped found in 2015. The lawsuit, which accused OpenAI of breach of contracts and unfair business practices, was withdrawn without explanation one day before a scheduled informal conference. This decision comes amidst Musk's vocal opposition to Apple's integration of ChatGPT into its operating systems, which he described as a security risk. Concurrently, Musk is advancing his own AI initiatives through his company xAI, emphasizing a strategic shift in his approach to AI technology and competition.

Apple's stock surged 7% to a record high after announcing its new AI platform, Apple Intelligence, reflecting its highest single-day gain since November 2022. The company's stock had initially fallen during the WWDC conference but rebounded significantly following positive analyst reactions and an upgrade from D.A. Davidson. Apple's introduction of AI features across its products, including Siri and other system updates, is anticipated to drive a new upgrade cycle for its devices.

South Korea’s AI chip makers, Rebellions and Sapeon, are set to merge, aiming to dominate the fabless AI chip market and challenge global competitors like Nvidia. The merger is strategically timed to capitalize on the growing demand for AI hardware, with the combined entity planning to go public within two to three years. This move is part of a broader effort by companies globally to reduce dependency on Nvidia by developing their own AI hardware solutions.

These cannabis gummies keep selling out in 2023

If you've ever struggled to enjoy cannabis due to the harshness of smoking or vaping, you're not alone. That’s why these new cannabis gummies caught our eye.

Mood is an online dispensary that has invented a “joint within a gummy” that’s extremely potent yet federally-legal. Their gummies are formulated to tap into the human body’s endocannabinoid system.

Although this system was discovered in the 1990’s, farmers and scientists at Mood were among the first to figure out how to tap into it with cannabis gummies. Just 1 of their rapid onset THC gummies can get you feeling right within 5 minutes!

📔 #1 Insights This Week on AI. Click the Links to Read

The future of AI is in creating machines that can reason and learn as humans do.

Yann LeCun

LeCun, who is the chief scientist at Meta’s AI lab and a professor at New York University, is one of the most influential AI researchers in the world.

Here’s how AI is transforming heart attack prediction: It utilizes deep learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of health data, identifying subtle patterns that indicate risk levels, provides real-time monitoring of vital signs to detect early warning signs, and enhances predictive accuracy, enabling timely interventions and preventive care to significantly improve patient outcomes.

An advanced AI system capable of predicting heart attacks up to 10 years in advance may soon be implemented across the UK. Developed by Oxford University, this technology could save thousands of lives annually by uncovering hidden data in CT scans.

AI's Role in Heart Attack Prediction

The AI technology, assessed by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice), is expected to receive NHS approval by the end of the year. It has been tested in multiple UK hospitals, showing promising results in identifying individuals at high risk of heart attacks.

How the AI Works

Professor Charalambos Antoniades, leader of the Oxford Risk Factors And Non-Invasive Imaging (Orfan) study, explains that the AI enhances CT scan images to reveal hidden damage in coronary arteries. This allows doctors to prescribe preventative treatments, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, to patients previously deemed low-risk.

Current CT Scan Limitations

Annually, over 300,000 UK patients receive CT scans for chest pain, but fewer than 20% show visible arterial blockages. The remaining patients are often mistakenly reassured despite being at risk for future cardiac events. The AI aims to address this by detecting subtle signs of inflammation and damage missed by standard scans.

Study Findings and Expansion Plans

The AI, validated with data from 40,000 UK patients, can accurately assess the risk of fatal cardiac events within the next decade. The British Heart Foundation-funded study showed that 45% of cases led to changes in patient treatment based on AI analysis. The technology is also being evaluated for stroke and diabetes prediction and is under review by the US FDA.

Future Impact

If approved, this AI system will revolutionize how heart disease is managed in the UK, potentially expanding to international markets. It represents a significant advancement in personalized medicine, promising more accurate diagnoses and better patient outcomes.

Stay informed with The Guardian for the latest developments in AI and healthcare technology.

🛸 Let’s Teleport in The Future

DSPy: A New Paradigm for Prompting

Not long ago, Prompt Engineering was all the rage, filling job markets with "prompt engineers." This trend has now shifted, as large-scale experiments reveal no single prompt strategy works universally. Enter DSPy: Compiling Declarative Language Model Calls into Self-Improving Pipelines, a framework from Stanford treating LLMs as modules optimized by a compiler, similar to PyTorch abstractions.

DSPy is a framework developed by Stanford that shifts the focus from traditional prompt engineering to a more systematic design of language model interactions. It treats large language models (LLMs) as adaptable modules within self-improving pipelines. These modules are optimized by a compiler, similar to the abstractions in PyTorch, allowing for dynamic interactions with other components. DSPy enables the creation of complex behaviors without intricate prompt engineering, making it easier to build robust and scalable NLP systems.

The Problem with Prompting

Books and blogs hyped prompt engineering, but real-world results are inconsistent. Research shows that specific emotional prompts can boost LLM performance, but their effectiveness is questionable and often not sustainable.

Understanding DSPy

LLMs are highly sensitive to prompt structure, making it challenging to build robust systems. Traditional methods rely on brittle string templates that break easily. DSPy addresses this by treating LLMs as adaptable modules within pipelines, allowing them to interact dynamically with other components.

DSPy Paradigm: Programming Over Prompting

DSPy shifts focus from tweaking prompts to designing better systems. It abstracts LLMs into modules, enabling the creation of complex behaviors without intricate prompt engineering. This approach uses NLP Signatures and Modules to define and achieve desired outcomes.

Practical Example: SimplifiedBaleen Pipeline

DSPy simplifies building pipelines like multi-hop search systems. For instance, answering complex questions involves multiple search queries and context retrieval. With DSPy, such systems can be implemented in a few lines of code, dynamically adapting to new types of questions.

import dspy

# Configure models
turbo = dspy.OpenAI(model='gpt-3.5-turbo')
colbertv2_wiki17_abstracts = dspy.ColBERTv2(url='')
dspy.settings.configure(lm=turbo, rm=colbertv2_wiki17_abstracts)

# Load dataset
from dspy.datasets import HotPotQA
dataset = HotPotQA(train_seed=1, train_size=20, eval_seed=2023, dev_size=50, test_size=0)
trainset = [x.with_inputs('question') for x in dataset.train]
devset = [x.with_inputs('question') for x in dataset.dev]

# Define signatures
class GenerateAnswer(dspy.Signature):
    context = dspy.InputField(desc="may contain relevant facts")
    question = dspy.InputField()
    answer = dspy.OutputField(desc="often between 1 and 5 words")

class GenerateSearchQuery(dspy.Signature):
    context = dspy.InputField(desc="may contain relevant facts")
    question = dspy.InputField()
    query = dspy.OutputField()

# Build and run pipeline
from dsp.utils import deduplicate

class SimplifiedBaleen(dspy.Module):
    def __init__(self, passages_per_hop=3, max_hops=2):
        self.generate_query = [dspy.ChainOfThought(GenerateSearchQuery) for _ in range(max_hops)]
        self.retrieve = dspy.Retrieve(k=passages_per_hop)
        self.generate_answer = dspy.ChainOfThought(GenerateAnswer)
        self.max_hops = max_hops

    def forward(self, question):
        context = []
        for hop in range(self.max_hops):
            query = self.generate_query[hop](context=context, question=question).query
            passages = self.retrieve(query).passages
            context = deduplicate(context + passages)
        pred = self.generate_answer(context=context, question=question)
        return dspy.Prediction(context=context, answer=pred.answer)

# Example execution
my_question = "How many storeys are in the castle that David Gregory inherited?"
uncompiled_baleen = SimplifiedBaleen()
pred = uncompiled_baleen(my_question)

print(f"Question: {my_question}")
print(f"Predicted Answer: {pred.answer}")
print(f"Retrieved Contexts (truncated): {[c[:200] + '...' for c in pred.context]}")

Optimizing the Pipeline

DSPy also includes an optimizer to refine the pipeline. For complex tasks, DSPy can compile and optimize modules, enhancing performance by automatically generating the best prompts or fine-tuning the LLM.


DSPy marks a significant shift from prompt engineering to a systematic design of LLM interactions. It offers a scalable, adaptable framework for building complex, high-performing NLP systems, promising a more efficient approach than previous methods.

Using DSPy requires a certain level of technical skills, particularly in programming and understanding of natural language processing (NLP). Here’s a breakdown of what’s needed:

  1. Programming Knowledge: You need to be comfortable with Python, as DSPy is a Python-based framework.

  2. NLP Concepts: A basic understanding of NLP and how large language models (LLMs) work is essential. This includes knowledge of prompt engineering, model fine-tuning, and how NLP tasks are structured.

  3. Machine Learning Basics: Familiarity with machine learning frameworks like PyTorch can be very helpful, as DSPy uses similar abstractions.

  4. Understanding of Pipelines: Knowing how to build and manage data pipelines will be useful since DSPy involves creating and optimizing complex workflows.

While DSPy simplifies many aspects of working with LLMs, it still requires technical expertise to set up and utilize effectively. Regular users without these skills might find it challenging to use DSPy without additional training or assistance from someone with a technical background.

🏟️ Most Important AI Events

💫 The Collective's Miami Mastermind: Navigating The Grand Acceleration! 💫

📆 June 21st to 23rd, 2024 - Miami, Florida

🚀 Why Navigate the Grand Acceleration?

In a world moving at an incredible exponential rate, traditional masterminds and conferences no longer suffice. So, we created a space where the audacious can build the future. This isn't just about AI and exponential tech that are truly disrupting our world; it's also about the mindset and reprogramming of the mind needed for this new age.

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Visionaries, conscious leaders, creators, business owners, and technologists who are ready to be part of something bigger than themselves. Whether you’re experienced in tech or not, this is your place to enhance and innovate. Connect with people making huge moves at the cutting edge of this technological and mindset revolution.

Day 2: AI Sessions & Pitch Competition Dive deep into the latest AI trends with sessions led by top experts. Discover how to leverage AI for your business and gain a significant competitive advantage. In the afternoon, watch or participate in an exciting Pitch Competition, where groundbreaking projects will be showcased to prominent investors, including:

  • Billion-dollar family office representatives

  • Chairman of the Crypto Task Force, Miami-Dade County

  • Steve Mandel, owner of several public companies and partner with Kevin Harrington, the original shark from Shark Tank

  • Angel investors

  • Top-tier finance and business leaders from Miami

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I hope you find these resources helpful. Let me know if you have any questions, if there's anything else I can do to assist you, or what you would like to learn more about in AI.

Have an amazing day!

No more playing catch-up. It's time to GET AHEAD!!! 🚀🚀🚀



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