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⚡🔋 AI Giants Tap into Media Vaults: The Untold Story of OpenAI's Latest Alliance

And more: Reliant AI automates extraction from academic papers, McAfee launches AI Powered Deepfake detector

Good morning, aspiring leader of the next generation! ☀️

🚀 Have you heard the latest AI news? Ready for another round of AI madness? Let's dive in!

OpenAI's cozying up to Condé Nast. Soon, ChatGPT will be dishing out fashion advice and celebrity gossip! 👗🗣️

BeyondMath is playing F1 in a digital wind tunnel. It's like "The Fast and the Furious," but with more equations and less Vin Diesel. 🏎️🌪️

McAfee's launching a deepfake detector on Lenovo PCs. Finally, a way to prove that your boss isn't really a talking cat during Zoom calls! 🐱💻

Defcon AI scored $44M to tackle military logistics. Because nothing says "efficiency" like AI planning your tank parking! 🚛🎖️

Eppo's raking in cash for AI experimentation. It's like Silicon Valley's version of "breaking bad," but with algorithms instead of chemistry. 💊🧪

Qualcomm's bringing AI to budget phones. Soon, even your grandma's flip phone will be contemplating the meaning of life! 📱🤔

So, what's your prediction? Will we be getting our daily horoscopes from AI-powered fashion magazines next week, or will the robots just take over our fantasy football leagues? 🏈😂

OpenAI signs deal to train on Condé Nast content, surface stories in ChatGPT

OpenAI has formed a partnership with Condé Nast, the publisher of renowned outlets like The New Yorker, Vogue, and Wired. Key points include:

  • Deal terms: Multi-year agreement, likely involving payment from OpenAI

  • Content usage: OpenAI gains permission to train on Condé Nast content

  • Distribution: Condé Nast stories to be surfaced in ChatGPT and SearchGPT

This collaboration is part of a broader trend of OpenAI partnering with news organizations, including:

  • Associated Press

  • Axel Springer

  • The Atlantic

  • Financial Times

  • News Corp

  • Time

These partnerships are being made without direct input from reporters and editors, causing some concern among media employees.

The deal represents OpenAI's ongoing efforts to expand its content sources and improve its AI models' knowledge base. It also highlights the evolving relationship between AI companies and traditional media outlets as they navigate the changing landscape of content creation and distribution in the age of artificial intelligence. Read more

BeyondMath’s ‘digital wind tunnel’ puts a physics-based AI simulation to work on F1 cars

BeyondMath is enhancing vehicle and aerospace design through its "digital wind tunnel," which applies AI to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to accelerate simulation processes. This technology allows designers to quickly test changes and iterate on designs, potentially reducing the lengthy computational times traditionally required for physical simulations. The startup's innovative approach helps predict airflow dynamics more efficiently, providing real-time insights that could previously take days to compute. This breakthrough is particularly impactful in Formula 1 racing, where BeyondMath is already engaging with teams to refine vehicle aerodynamics. Read more

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McAfee Launches World’s First Automatic and AI-powered Deepfake Detector Exclusively on Select New Lenovo AI PCs

McAfee has introduced the world's first automatic and AI-powered Deepfake Detector, available exclusively on select new Lenovo AI PCs. This new tool aims to address the rising concern over deepfake scams and misinformation by providing fast and accurate detection of AI-altered videos. This initiative includes the launch of the Smart AI Hub, which offers resources to educate consumers about deepfakes and AI scams. The technology leverages Lenovo's hardware capabilities to enhance consumer trust in digital content, integrating deepfake detection directly on the device to ensure privacy and efficiency. Read more

📔#1 Insights Today on AI. Click the Links to Read

I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines.

Claude Shannon

Claude Elwood Shannon was an American mathematician, electrical engineer, computer scientist and cryptographer known as the "father of information theory" and as the "father of the Information Age".

Nonprofit news outlets are increasingly adopting artificial intelligence to enhance operations and save resources. According to the Institute for Nonprofit News, about a third of these organizations currently use AI, with projections indicating over half will do so by next year.

AI applications in nonprofit newsrooms span various functions. In fundraising, tools like ChatGPT help personalize donor communications and streamline campaigns. For accessibility, AI-powered translation services, such as Trinity Audio, allow outlets to reach diverse audiences in multiple languages.

Data analysis benefits from AI, with outlets like the Salt Lake Tribune using AI to summarize legislation, enhancing investigative capabilities. In audience engagement, AI assists in drafting social media content and optimizing message timing.

Administrative tasks also see AI integration, with tools like OtterAI facilitating meeting transcription and summarization. However, organizations must balance AI adoption with ethical considerations, maintaining audience trust and journalistic integrity.

While AI presents opportunities for efficiency and cost-savings, nonprofit news outlets must develop clear guidelines for its use. Many prohibit AI for interviews or story writing, prioritizing human judgment in core journalistic functions.

As AI becomes an integral part of nonprofit news operations, the sector faces the challenge of leveraging technology's benefits while upholding high ethical standards and data privacy.

🛸Let’s Teleport in The Future

Reliant's AI Takes on the Drudgery of Scientific Research

Reliant, a new AI startup, is focusing on automating one of the most time-consuming aspects of scientific research: data extraction from academic papers. By leveraging advanced AI techniques, the company aims to significantly reduce the manual labor involved in literature reviews and systematic studies.

Key Points:

  1. Problem Addressed: Scientific research often involves reviewing thousands of papers to extract relevant data, a process that is typically manual and time-consuming.

  2. Reliant's Solution: The company has developed an AI-powered tool called Tabular, which can efficiently extract data from large volumes of scientific literature with high accuracy.

  3. Technology:

    • Based on an LLM (Llama 3.1) but augmented with proprietary techniques

    • Claimed to achieve zero errors in extracting data from thousands of studies

    • Focuses on precision and recall, crucial for scientific applications

  4. User Interface: Provides a UI for researchers to interact with extracted data, edit information, and navigate between data points and source literature.

  5. Competitive Edge:

    • Specializes in domain-specific scientific knowledge

    • Pre-extracts data to handle ambiguities and assumptions in different scientific fields

    • Uses multiple proprietary machine learning models beyond just LLMs

  6. Funding: Raised $11.3 million in a seed round led by Tola Capital and Inovia Capital

  7. Business Model: Initially focusing on for-profit companies to ensure financial sustainability

  8. Future Vision: Aims to accelerate scientific progress across various technical domains by reducing time spent on data extraction

Implications for Research:

  • Potential to significantly speed up literature reviews and systematic studies

  • May allow researchers to focus more on analysis and interpretation rather than data gathering

  • Could democratize access to comprehensive literature reviews, benefiting smaller research teams

The company's approach highlights a growing trend in AI application: targeting specific, high-value problems in professional fields rather than creating general-purpose AI assistants. As AI continues to evolve, we may see more such specialized tools transforming various aspects of scientific and academic work.

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I hope you find these resources helpful.Let me know if you have any questions, if there's anything else I can do to assist you, or what you would like to learn more about in AI.

Have an amazing day!

No more playing catch-up. It's time to GET AHEAD!!! 🚀🚀🚀



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